June's Stuff

June's Stuff

Hi, I’m June, aka Cypher121. Here’s some things about me:

  1. I’m a software engineer, you can find some of my projects on the Projects page!

    1. I’ve been coding since early middle school, mostly for local programming contests.

    2. My favorite languages are Kotlin and Rust. I pick up other languages quite quickly (but the ones with dynamic typing annoy me a lot)!

    3. I mostly prefer to do backend web dev or making tooling and libraries for other developers, but I dabble in frontend and graphics programming sometimes.

  2. I’m non-binary!

    1. My pronouns are they/them or she/her. You can find more info on my pronouns.page as well.

    2. I advocate for complete gender self-determination: the right to one’s gender and body belongs only to themselves, not archaic and intrusive clinics!

  3. I’m very new to frontend design! This website is my attempt at learning Jekyll and will evolve as I understand it better!

  4. I’m a transhumanist and a big cyberpunk fan! Can probably talk someone’s ears off about Ghost in the Shell.

If you wish to contact me, you can do so by emailing [email protected].